viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

My last post.

Hello guys, this is my last post and I’m very sad for that. I think that this was a very good experience to learn more about English. For me English is one of the most beautiful languages, the sound when you listen someone who is speaking it, it’s amazing.

I’m very happy because I improve my English and I think that one of the most things that I liked of this subject was that the teacher was always there for us and he had all the energy to teach us how to write and speak it. Something that I didn’t like so much was that there was not enough time to learn more and to speak it a lot.

One of the methods that I prefer to learn a language is to speak it all day long so I think that teachers have to dedicate more hours for that. But I don’t have too much complains about this course because I really enjoyed it very much and it was really fun. But something that I have to tell that the listenings were very hard and not all the people were able to understand what the people were saying.

Well, I’m extremely happy with all the new things that I learn and I know that them will help me to communicate with people for all over the world. English is the language that people of all the world use to communicate so the university gave a good opportunity to learn it and I’m proud for it. So if you have the opportunity to learn it you have to take advantage of it and if it is difficult for you to understand it, don’t give up..

That was it,
It was a really good experience and I will never forget it.
Kisses and have a happy year.

Andrea Biskupovic.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

The sense of life

What is life? What it is about?

Hello classmates, I hope you have had one very pretty week and you have enjoyed it very much. Today I am going to speak about a very complex topic that has been thought for many years and even centuries but anyone has never reached an agreement, it is: life.

Life is beautiful, I think it is one of the most wonderful things that the men has but the human being doesn’t enjoyed it very much for many reasons. There are many different persons in this World so not all the people wake up in the morning with this thought: “The life is only one so it is necessary to take advantage of it”.

I think that life is a gift of God and not all the people received it so we are lucky to be alive. It depends on you If you want to enjoy it without regrets or not. In my opinion, many people don’t have a very nice life but I think that those people have the courage to face the life and to be able to go out forward.

Always it is necessary to live with optimism because everything you want with your soul and heart will be returned to you of one and another way. In addition, if you are convinced about something, the things will go out for you; the life will take charge giving them to you.

Day after day, it's like a routine so many people feel empty because they don’t have new experiences in their lives. Life is for some people a chance for them to live without thinking what could happen in the future, they live the present forgetting the experiences that happened in the past.

“If Life is like a rose, then what about the thorns?”.

Well that was all.
Have a nice week,
Wait for my new post.

What is love?

Hello guys, today I will talk about something that I think that everyone in the World likes.

What do you think about love? Do you know what love is?

Love is defined as the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. I think that love is a very beautiful emotion that the human being uses to show somebody the importance that he/she has to his/her life.

Everyone in this world wants love because it makes you happier and when you received it you think that you are the luckiest person in the world and you enjoyed it all day long. The love joins couples, families and even it can manage to join an entire country for a common reason, for example: All the habitants of Chile were together to overcome the earthquake. It was so beautiful to see Chile together for such a sad reason and we showed to the other countries that everything has a solution but the union and love are very important to get it.

The love can change a person, can make he/she more mature, happier and sadder. It depends on every person if they are sure that they want to fall in love because the love can be very good but also it can be very bad.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart. And one of those things is love, love is beautiful, never let it dissapear because you will regret your decision in some period of your life.

Well that was it guys,
I hope that you like it very much, have a nice week.

“All you need is love”
The Beatles.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Stress at work

Hi everyone, this is my new post. I am very excited for being able to write about this topic because it is very common in the modern society.

In this one I will talk you about work stress. Well for work stress I understand is a state where you are suffocated with your work and don’t have time to relax, or distract. In my life as a student is usually to get stress because in the university is common not have time for anything more than study.

Distraction and relax are fundamental in a healthy place to work because they increase the productivity and make a better image for the company.

A consequence of an extreme work stress is that in some cases increases the suicide rate.For this and many other little things is essential to any company or place who have employees or any people confined for too much time, have a especial consideration with the level of stress and hapinness of their people.

People who has weak mind and don't have the force for keep stable are the usually people that fall in depressing state that came from stressing lives.

It is too important, when you see that you are stressing, stop the thing that make you feel stressing, talk with your family or friends about your situation and that they can give you their different points of view to help you to leave this state.

The most important thing is that you have to be loved and supported and always do thing that makes you feel better and happy.

Well this is all for now, have a nice week.

Wait for my new post,
Bye people.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

"Let's face it-men and boys just have different brains from women and girls"

Hello classmates, I hope you have had one very pretty week and you have enjoyed it very much. Today I will talk about something very interesting for me: The difference between the brains of women and men.

The scientists said that there were differences between the brains of women and men and it was demonstrated by the different ways of thinking of both. It is very important that the differences between feminine brain and masculine brain are described in cognitive terms because scientist couldn’t use the biological reality to explain it.

The paper said that the woman had more aptitude to speak that the man. The women have the ability to communicate and understand others. On the other hand, the men are more methodical, they have the ability to understand mechanical systems.

I believe of that this situation is very common in the modern society but always there are exceptions. When I was a little girl my fathers inculcated me that the women had more aptitude to listen to others, to speak and help them. And the men were always related with rational ideas where the emotions didn’t participate. This situation is reflected in my family, where my mother talks a lot of topics related to the love, friendship and the life in general. Meanwhile, my father always talks about rational and serious ideas.

It is very important to consider that this not common in the whole society because there are exceptions that do not reflect the habitual situation.

Goodbye guys, have a nice week.
Enjoy your family.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle.

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about one topic that is very relevant in the modern society: How can we live a healthy life?

Nowadays one of the main problems in the society is that we don’t live a healthy life because of many factors like: Fast food, the people don’t play sports and we stay at home when we have free time. I believe that this is very worrying because the people are not giving the importance to live a healthy life and this situation has very disadvantages like the risk of suffering obesity and diseases related to the heart. It is very worrying to see a Mac Donals on every corner of Santiago and the people eat in these places knowing that what they are eating is not healthy food. The government should make projects to inculcate the people to have a healthy lifestyle.

I believe that it is possible to have a healthy lifestyle but it depends on the person. I am very lucky because thanks to god my parents inculcated me since I was a little girl to play sports and I think that it helps you very much to be in physical good condition. The parents are fundamental because they teach us what is really good for one and they warn us about the bad things. The food is crucial to have a healthy life and stop eating fast food too.

I have played volleyball since I was 8 years old, It’s the most beautiful and fun sport of the world. I believe that this sport is one of the prettiest things that have happened to me. It helped me to have more confidence, more empathy with my partners and the most important thing: to have a healthy lifestyle.

Well that was it,
Have a nice week classmates.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


Hello, today I will talk about one of the things that I most remember of my childhood.

I have been recalling what I remember best of my childhood holidays with my family. When we went to the beach I was always more interested in what I could find in rockpools than the sands or going in the sea. My mom used to say me: “Andrea, take care of yourself or you’ll get hurt”.

My Dad used to drive me and my family to beaches of interest in the area and I know we went to Bahía Inglesa, for example, but for me what I remembered the most and enjoyed the best about the beach holidays, were being able to find all sorts of strange animals in the sea. Once we found a starfish with my brother and played with it the whole evening until it died, it was really amazing for us. I have to be very honest but one of the beaches that I love with all my heart is Playa Blanca, I think that it is the most beautiful beach in the world.
One of other things that I remember is that as soon as we were returning to the house, my mom was preparing a hot chocolate for us. Also I remember that we built sand castles with my brothers, they were so beautiful that my father bought ice creams for all of us as a prime.
Well, that was it.
Have a nice week, Kisses.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


Hello classmates, it’s been a long time. I hope that you have some very pretty vacations. Today I am going to talk about one of the things that I loved to do in my life. Well, since I was 8 years old I played volleyball every single day. It’s the most beautiful and fun sport of the world. I started to play in the school but then I played in some clubs to improve. I played in the club of the catholic university and the Stadium Italian.

Last summer I played an international championship in which different countries of the world came. It was a very good experience because it helped me to play much better. I didn’t enter to a club last year because I was studying all day to enter to a good university like the University of Chile. Sometimes I think that was a bad decision but I believed that it helped me to be able to study what I really wanted.

I believe that this sport is one of the prettiest things that have happened to me. It helped me to have more confidence, more empathy with my partners. At the beginning I was a very selfish person but when I started to play volleyball, my personality changed.
Well that was it, Have a nice weekend.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

See you next semester.

Hello Guys,
I’m extremely sad because today I’m going to write my last post. This has been an excellent experience because it’s really nice to write in English, I enjoy it very much. I think that this experience helps a lot to learn more about this language that it’s very important because nowadays everyone in the world speaks English, It is considered like the universal Language.

I enjoy a lot to write about different topics because it’s very interesting to know the view of the people about topics that concern all the society. It was really interesting to write about the stereotypes in postmodern society. I’m very happy because I though that as soon I was going to enter to the university I was not going to be able to write in English.

I suggest that it is more interesting to speak about things that we are interested because in this way we speak more in English cause we are writing about topics that we loved. Also in this way we can motivate the students to write in English. Writing posts help me a lot because like this I don’t forget this language and the grammar of it. This way of learning it’s very effective. I think that the best way of learning a language is to writing it.

Well that was it,
I hope to see you the next semester.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Real Job

Hello classmates,

Today I’m going to talk about one of the things that I love that is my career. To be sincere I didn’t want to study physical therapy, I wanted to study theatre but last year I rejected the idea. I chose physical therapy because it is related to one the things that I most like in the world which is sport. Since I was 10 years old I was related to sports, I played volleyball every single day. Last year I was thinking which career was related with my interests and one of the best’s options was physical therapy.

I imagine myself working with athletes because I love the environment of this area. We can notice that this area inculcates you values as: effort, loyalty and perseverance. I think that the life of an athlete it’s very complicated because in a country as Chile, the sport is not considered very important (With exception of the football). I would be glad to participate in the area of sports giving support and happiness with the rehabilitation. I dream myself having a clinic only for athletes; I think that I will be happy forever if one day I have it.

Like I say before I want to be related with the sport area of physical therapy. First I want to be an employee but then I want to have my own clinic. I will work all the time that it requires because I will be doing what I want since I was 18 years old.

Well that was it.
I hope you like it because it is very important to me this topic.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010


Hello people!

I’m very happy today because as you know Chile won today. It was a very dramatic game; I think that Mark Gonzales should have played the whole game, he plays very well.

Today I’m going to talk about some ways that physical therapies can use to help individuals, families and the community. I believe that the major importance has not been given to the injuries that we can suffer in the future; we only care about the things that happen in the instant. I see my grandmother and she falls too much so I think that a solution to that problem can be to teach to do the movements with major efficiency. In that way we could anticipate injuries to the future that they could be catastrophic in case of the adult. I think that the government should adapt mechanisms to have fewer adults in the hospitals and also we can anticipate possible accidents. In some places we could apply these mechanisms: neighbour’s meeting, meetings of major adults and in programs related to the health of the government.

I think that the physical therapist should join to this activity in order to teach in the correctly way the movements that the major adults have to effect.

We as professionals of health have to be compromised with the community and help the others. The health system of this government does not make the best use of their resources so I think that they should use the money to inform and promote preventions of diseases.

I hope you like this post, I did it we all my love.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010



How are you? I hope you are fine. Well today I’m going to talk about the society.

Nowadays the society is very equal that means that the roles of the woman and the man are in balance. For example: It is very usual to see the women working all the week, providing the money to buy the things of the house. I think that situation has been very difficult to men because they were accustomed to provide the money to the family.

Actually, the world has been giving the opportunity to women to develop in the labour area, that is one of the main reasons that the stereotypes in the post modern society has been changing.

Today there is no difference between women and men because the women has achieve a very important role in the society that it is not only related to the housework, it is related to the economy and politics of the world.

Michelle Bachelet it’s a very representative example of the transition of the female role because she didn’t want to stay at home cooking to the family, she wanted bigger things and one of these was the power of her country.

I hope you like it very much!

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Physical Therapy


I hope you liked my last post. Today I’m going to talk about one of the things that I loved with all my heart and its physical therapy, the career that I’m studying. I will be honest, physical was not my first option but I liked it very much, I was obsessed with theater but I decided that physical therapy was the best option.

I think that my career is very cool because you help people to relieve pain and improve mobility. Also the proximity that you get with the patient it’s so wonderful because you are participant in the process of rehabilitation that in my opinion it’s one of the processes of more importance to the patient.

One of the things that I hope of my career is to contribute to the health of the persons and to obtain a good result of work. Also I think that to study some career of the health, you have to be compromised with the health of the country.
That’s my entire career.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Vicente Mauri

Hello guys!

This is my new post, today I’m gonna talk about someone of my career. I’m studying physical therapy and I’m very happy with my career, specially, with my teachers. One of the teachers that I admire is Vicente Mauri and about him I’m talk today.

First, I don’t know so many things about him because I haven’t had so many classes with him and also I haven’t search about him.

Vicente Mauri is one of the teachers of the University of Chile; he makes me classes of functional anatomy. He’s Venezuelan and he study in his country. After he came to Chile to study physical therapy, he turned into one of the most out-standing students. He established a company with one of his partners; Rodrigo Latorre. His company related with physical therapy gives diplomas that are recognized all over the world. This company is very important in the area of physical therapy.

I admired him because he’s very intelligent and he was capable to study in two different countries. I wish him the best because he owns it.

Well, that was it!


miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010


Hello guys:

It’s me again. Today I’ll talk about one of the things that I love to do since I was little. My father and my mother used to go always to the cinema when I was little and one day they took me. Since that day, I love to see movies.

They are my biggest love because I think that they convey emotions, ideals and in some cases they represent situations that happened to me. Also one of the main reasons that I love movies is because my biggest wish is to be an actress, I think that it’s a beautiful profession and I envy the people that act in movies.

Last year I started to go to the theatre and I liked it a lot. It was a very important experience because it helped me to see things in different ways and to express my ideals in a responsible way. I think that it’s so beautiful when you see plays about situations that happened to you or even to your country. I won’t forget when I see a play that talks about the military regime, the message that they wanted to transmit was so powerful that it made me think about the topic for days.

The theatre and the movies, apart from having a purpose of entertainment, also inform you and help you to develop an opinion about a certain topic. So it’s very important to consider these things as sources of information.

I hope you like my post,
We’ll be in touch.


miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010



It’s me again. How was the weekend? I hope it was fun.

Guys, today I’ll talk about my experience about the earthquake that has just passed. That awful day I was with the family of a friend in the centre of Chile, A place called Reñaca. I planned to go out with my friend to a disco but the tiredness was stronger so we remained in the house watching the Festival of Viña del Mar, specifically, Ricardo Arjona.

I was sleeping when the earthquake began and when I woke up I realized that the land was moving. The dad of my friend took us in car to a hill and we listened to the radio to know what was happening in the country.

My reactions this day were very appropriate because I did not get out of control and I was calm all the time. The only thing that I wanted was to know something about my family but all the telephones were out of line.

After the earthquake I took part in a campaign that was done in my college. It was a very beautiful experience because I was doing something that was contributing to other families that were extremely affected.

I believe that as a country we learned to unite and overcome an experience as this one and it was very pretty to be a participant of it.

I hope you enjoin this story,

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Hello, this is me.

Hello classmates,
I'm Andrea Biskupovic Venturino, I'm 18 years old and I study physical therapy in the University of Chile. I'll be your partner in English and I'll be glad to help you when you need it. It is the first time I have a blogspot so don't laugh about the things that I write. This will be a very important experience because we'll learn together more about this language that is used by almost all the world.
I studied in the British Royal School of Santiago. The school give us all the tools to speak English very well so I'm proud about the nevel that I have. So that's all about me, I hope that you will read this.
Good luck guys!
Lov ya.