miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle.

Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about one topic that is very relevant in the modern society: How can we live a healthy life?

Nowadays one of the main problems in the society is that we don’t live a healthy life because of many factors like: Fast food, the people don’t play sports and we stay at home when we have free time. I believe that this is very worrying because the people are not giving the importance to live a healthy life and this situation has very disadvantages like the risk of suffering obesity and diseases related to the heart. It is very worrying to see a Mac Donals on every corner of Santiago and the people eat in these places knowing that what they are eating is not healthy food. The government should make projects to inculcate the people to have a healthy lifestyle.

I believe that it is possible to have a healthy lifestyle but it depends on the person. I am very lucky because thanks to god my parents inculcated me since I was a little girl to play sports and I think that it helps you very much to be in physical good condition. The parents are fundamental because they teach us what is really good for one and they warn us about the bad things. The food is crucial to have a healthy life and stop eating fast food too.

I have played volleyball since I was 8 years old, It’s the most beautiful and fun sport of the world. I believe that this sport is one of the prettiest things that have happened to me. It helped me to have more confidence, more empathy with my partners and the most important thing: to have a healthy lifestyle.

Well that was it,
Have a nice week classmates.

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