miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

See you next semester.

Hello Guys,
I’m extremely sad because today I’m going to write my last post. This has been an excellent experience because it’s really nice to write in English, I enjoy it very much. I think that this experience helps a lot to learn more about this language that it’s very important because nowadays everyone in the world speaks English, It is considered like the universal Language.

I enjoy a lot to write about different topics because it’s very interesting to know the view of the people about topics that concern all the society. It was really interesting to write about the stereotypes in postmodern society. I’m very happy because I though that as soon I was going to enter to the university I was not going to be able to write in English.

I suggest that it is more interesting to speak about things that we are interested because in this way we speak more in English cause we are writing about topics that we loved. Also in this way we can motivate the students to write in English. Writing posts help me a lot because like this I don’t forget this language and the grammar of it. This way of learning it’s very effective. I think that the best way of learning a language is to writing it.

Well that was it,
I hope to see you the next semester.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My Real Job

Hello classmates,

Today I’m going to talk about one of the things that I love that is my career. To be sincere I didn’t want to study physical therapy, I wanted to study theatre but last year I rejected the idea. I chose physical therapy because it is related to one the things that I most like in the world which is sport. Since I was 10 years old I was related to sports, I played volleyball every single day. Last year I was thinking which career was related with my interests and one of the best’s options was physical therapy.

I imagine myself working with athletes because I love the environment of this area. We can notice that this area inculcates you values as: effort, loyalty and perseverance. I think that the life of an athlete it’s very complicated because in a country as Chile, the sport is not considered very important (With exception of the football). I would be glad to participate in the area of sports giving support and happiness with the rehabilitation. I dream myself having a clinic only for athletes; I think that I will be happy forever if one day I have it.

Like I say before I want to be related with the sport area of physical therapy. First I want to be an employee but then I want to have my own clinic. I will work all the time that it requires because I will be doing what I want since I was 18 years old.

Well that was it.
I hope you like it because it is very important to me this topic.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010


Hello people!

I’m very happy today because as you know Chile won today. It was a very dramatic game; I think that Mark Gonzales should have played the whole game, he plays very well.

Today I’m going to talk about some ways that physical therapies can use to help individuals, families and the community. I believe that the major importance has not been given to the injuries that we can suffer in the future; we only care about the things that happen in the instant. I see my grandmother and she falls too much so I think that a solution to that problem can be to teach to do the movements with major efficiency. In that way we could anticipate injuries to the future that they could be catastrophic in case of the adult. I think that the government should adapt mechanisms to have fewer adults in the hospitals and also we can anticipate possible accidents. In some places we could apply these mechanisms: neighbour’s meeting, meetings of major adults and in programs related to the health of the government.

I think that the physical therapist should join to this activity in order to teach in the correctly way the movements that the major adults have to effect.

We as professionals of health have to be compromised with the community and help the others. The health system of this government does not make the best use of their resources so I think that they should use the money to inform and promote preventions of diseases.

I hope you like this post, I did it we all my love.

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010



How are you? I hope you are fine. Well today I’m going to talk about the society.

Nowadays the society is very equal that means that the roles of the woman and the man are in balance. For example: It is very usual to see the women working all the week, providing the money to buy the things of the house. I think that situation has been very difficult to men because they were accustomed to provide the money to the family.

Actually, the world has been giving the opportunity to women to develop in the labour area, that is one of the main reasons that the stereotypes in the post modern society has been changing.

Today there is no difference between women and men because the women has achieve a very important role in the society that it is not only related to the housework, it is related to the economy and politics of the world.

Michelle Bachelet it’s a very representative example of the transition of the female role because she didn’t want to stay at home cooking to the family, she wanted bigger things and one of these was the power of her country.

I hope you like it very much!